Welcome to Sydney Speakers Toastmasters Club!
Sydney Speakers Toastmasters Club was chartered in May 1985 and we are proud to provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
We meet in Alexandria, NSW at the Suite 12, 85 Bourke Road, Alexandria, NSW, near the corner of Gardeners Road &, Bourke Rd. For access, ring 12 on the intercom (NLP Worldwide) on Bourke Road, (parking is available at no cost), on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month, and online on the 5th Wednesday of any month for a special meeting. The meetings start at 7:00pm and finish at 9:15pm, we encourage members and guests to arrive by 6:45pm to get settled before the meeting starts.
Visitors are welcome to all of our meetings, no previous experience is required. Please complete our online form and we will confirm the meeting and your attendance.
Sydney Speakers members come from all walks of life, including a mix of students and professionals from disciplines such as medical science, community services, financial planning, HR, sales, real estate, and information technology. Our members range from first-timers to highly experienced Toastmasters. As a benefit to all, we are proud to have a number of very experienced members that are available to mentor new members in a friendly and positive learning environment.
Club number 5868, Area 24, Lachlan Division, District 70.
Covid Update: as required, Sydney Speakers Toastmasters adhere to requirements such as social distancing, space/ratios as required by the Department of Health. In the event we are unable to meet in person, the club has an exceptional online presence using Zoom so that meetings are not cancelled if they cannot be held in person.
What Happens In a Meeting
Our club meetings are packed with exciting elements like our prepared speeches, impromptu session know as Table Topics and exceptional evaluations for all members to learn and grow their skills. Time flies in our 2 hour meetings, and they are a lot of fun for members and guests!
In addition to public speaking skills, Toastmasters has a focus on leadership. At each meeting, members take turn to perform each role (chairman, speaker, evaluator, timer, Toastmaster, etc.), allowing all member gain valuable leadership skills and dynamic presentation skills.
Constructive evaluation is central to the Toastmasters philosophy. Each time members give a speech, an evaluator will point out strengths as well as suggest improvements. Receiving (and giving) such feedback is a great learning experience. In Toastmasters, encouragement and improvement go hand-in-hand.
We encourage members to progress at their own pace to experience the full range of benefits of being a Toastmasters member.