Icebreakers, holidays and sci-fi. A mixed bag!

Lots to report from last night’s high energy meeting held in the ‘grand ballroom’!

We were in good hands with our new Sargeant-At-Arms Steven, and Chairman Aaron doing a fabulous job. The meeting involved topics ranging from our favourite holiday destinations, to sci-fi themes that were out of this world (thanks Warren for doing a great job as Table Topics Master!).

We enjoyed two icebreaker speeches (well done Iqbal and Julian), and the club was presented with two ribbons to add to the banner. Ribbon for President’s distinguished club for 2015-2016 (presented to Nikolas our Immediate Past President); and for Home of International Director – both will be displayed proudly. I was also presented the trophies from the recent club Humorous and Table Topics contests, with plaques that have some familiar names I’m proud to be listed with – Sandra, Rachel, Nick & Mike to name a few).

I always come away from each meeting with a page (or two!) full of feedback and notes, and last night was no exception – We were lucky to have David Fisher DTM as Master Evaluator for both halves of the meeting.

Enjoy the rest of your week, and don’t forget to have a browse at our instagram account @sydneyspeakers

VP Public Relations