Lachlan Division Contest cancelled

This is to confirm that next Sunday’s (22 March) 2020, Lachlan Division Contest has now been cancelled.
This decision is a result of a directive coming from World Headquarters in the USA.
The Board of Directors & Officers of Toastmasters International have met in an emergency meeting this weekend to discuss the Coronavirus and its impact globally.
After their meeting, they confirmed to ALL Districts globally that with effect immediately that all Area, Division and District events are to be suspended until 1st June 2020.
As a result, it now sees the cancellation of the current wave of Division Contests. At this stage, all contests are postponed until further notice, except the International Speech Contest.
** District 70 will provide further directive on this. However I anticipate the Evaluation, Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests will be cancelled altogether. **
I have or will be making individual contact with the International Speech Contestants over the next few days, as District 70 will hold this contest virtually. I will be working with these Contestants individually, and assisting them to prepare for this Contest.
Again this decision has not been made lightly.
It is disappointing 1 week out from the Contest, especially when my team has been working around the clock to deliver the best Contest for all you amazing Contestants.
However, again, safety and protection of our members is of the utmost priority at this point in time.
If anyone has any questions, please contact me directly.
Alicia DTM
Lachlan Division Director