We certainly did make the most of now, with 4 speeches, an educational and all of the regular roles making for a packed agenda. Damien Lake was our Sergeant at Arms and opened the meeting on time. David Fisher was Chairman for the evening and ran the meeting like clockwork. George Pajmakoski read the mission and added in the values for good measure, while Victor Victor Hou led a fantastic salute to the theme.Ramesh Shanmugam introduced the Timer role and Mario Salas introduced the Grammarian role
Rati Jain led a magnificent toast supporting International Women’s Day and Heidi Heron led a very interactive educational session on using your voice. Table Topics were led by George Pajmakoski with evaluations completed by Margrit Fisher and Carlos Garcia. Heidi Heron delivered Club Business while Phillip Agripanidis gave an insightful general evaluation and an Area Director’s address.
Damien Lake got the meeting started again efficiently. Rati Jain was the Toastmaster in an expertly led session. Bella Wang gave an informative presentation on Biological medicine, Eugene Vass opened up and gave us his Icebreaker, after which Rati Jain presented his Icebreaker Ribbon.

Mike Fatouris kept us enthralled with tales about Ammonia and Fritz, the man behind it, while Aaron Ross presented a high performance leadership speech on his vision.
The speeches were evaluated by Margrit Fisher, David Fisher, Phillip Agripanidis and Damien Lake. Victor Hou led the listening post with Carlos Garcia providing an umms and ahhs report. Ramesh Shanmugam and Mario Salas returned for the Timer and Grammarian reports. This was all wrapped up by Heidi Heron with an extensive general evaluation of the second half.
All in all a great night with a few people away but others stepping up and completing multiple roles. I for one can’t wait for the next meeting.